Magic across time

Hearts and Hands One of the things we love about visiting so many ancient sites is the pull they still exert on people, despite the thousands of years that have elapsed since they were built. Over several decades visiting sites together my wife and I have found that, no matter how remote they might be, we are rarely the only people there. That's not to say that these sites are crowded; far from it, but more often than not we arrive as somebody else leaves, or we leave just as somebody else arrives. There is something magical about these sites that has lingered, reaching out across the millennia to pull people towards them, often for reasons that are far too complicated, or personal to explain or even vocalise. This photograph was taken by one of our guests on a recent " Locminé Loop " tour as we walked along a pretty river valley which, in all probability, was the source of stone for some of the local monuments. What motivated people to come here and leave these marks? ...